“Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted.”

-Martin Luther King Jr. (Strength to Love, Harper & Row, 1963, p. 14)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sabbatical Week 1 / July 25-July 31

BJ and I enjoyed the day kayaking through most of Chain-O-Lakes State Park in Albion, IN.  What a great way to begin a sabbatical!  Thank you Ritch (and Char) for the loan of your boats.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

…breakfast and spiritual reflection time
…noon-time basketball
…planning for camping next week with BJ on our Lake Superior Trip
…preparing to begin church visits (the first of which is with Mom and Dad at Midland Mennonite)
…and selecting some reading material:  Love Wins,  by Rob Bell; The Jesus Driven Life, by Michael Hardin; and The Un-necessary Pastor, by Eugene Peterson.

BJ and I stopped by Carrie’s new house in Kalamazoo and took her to lunch on our way to Mom Campbell’s cabin in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan.  It was good for us to see where Carrie is living, spend some time with her and see Eric, her fiancé (wedding is being planned for sometime in the Spring).

BJ and I crossed the International Bridge into Sault Ste. Marie, Canada early in the morning an boarded the Algoma Canyon train.  We then spent the whole day on the tracks to and from the wilderness canyon through beautifully scenic rolling mountains and along remote picturesque lakes.

King’s highway 17, Pancake Bay to Rainbows falls is very likely the most incredibly glorious road I have ever driven - majestic mountain roads winding along the northern expanse Lake Superior.  At almost ever turn and rise comes the word, “wow.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is nothing like being outdoors to renew oneself, to reflect, and to marvel at our Creator's, well, creativity. Rho