For the last couple of years I have served the North Goshen Mennonite Church as an Overseer - a title which will likely be changing soon, but a role which hopefully is retained within the conference. It has been important to me to be a resource to the congregation's leadership in times of leadership review and transition, but the most rewarding aspect of this ministry for me has been walking with the pastoral leadership of the congregation. Specifically, my connection with Dean Linsenmeyer, NGMC's Lead Pastor, has been a rich blessing for me (hopefully, it has been for Dean as well).
It is with some anxiety that I began my sabbatical knowing that Dean is preparing for retirement from pastoral ministry at the end of this year. Still, I am on sabbatical from my pastoral ministry at East Goshen Mennonite, not North Goshen, and so it seemed important to stop in this past Sunday at North Goshen.
Dean is a sincere and committed pastor who has been a very good pastor for NGMC. His sermon on Sunday was clear and thoughtful as I expected. Because NGMC's worship is bi-lingual (Spanish translation for everything) Dean uses video projection in English and Spanish which must take a lot of preparation. I noticed many people around me, both English and Spanish speakers, who were writing notes and nodding in affirmation to Dean's sermon.
As I observed the congregation in worship and Dean in leadership I wondered how he (and his wife Bek) would discover their next calling as they move from congregational ministry. Likewise, what does their stepping away from North Goshen mean for the congregation?
It was a pleasure for me to see the diversity of people of NGMC engaged in worship from longtime "ethnic mennonite" members, to my good Brazilian friend Josede who along with her family are relatively new to the congregation. When people come together before Christ as sisters and brothers unified as one family, it is a most beautiful thing.
May the grace of Christ lead Dean and Bek in their ministering future.
May the grace of Christ continue to shine through the people of North Goshen Mennonite Church.
1 comment:
Learned something new...I did not know they were a bi-lingual church. Very cool. Rho
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