Our years with Silverwood were sweet and our leaving was difficult, so there was a bit of nervous apprehension for BJ and I as we walked the few blocks to worship Sunday. But what a blessing it was for us to be welcomed so warmly. It is awkward for a pastor from across town to drop in for a visit and people did want to know why we had come. However, the embrace we received on Sunday felt the same as the one we received two decades ago.
Following a rather disappointing video commemorating the events of September 11, 2001 in which we were assured that "one nation under God" will always find the resolve to rally in the face of crisis, the act of worship was clear and inviting. I looked through to the other side of the sanctuary (designed in a way I still appreciate) and recognized Linda looking unchanged in the 14 years since I saw her last. Then I noticed two young women next to her who bore a striking resemblance to her and I realized that her little children are nearing young adulthood. Then the congregation's 9th graders were invited forward for a presentation - a very large group with some named who could not be present!
Twenty years ago, the congregation was predominatly young adult professional. Now, it is indeed growing up. What a blessing to see the congregation maturing as a vital community of all ages.
May God bless Silverwood Mennonite Church with the gifts of discernment and grace as they grow in diversity and wisdom. May God bless Ron, Janice, Aimee and Jeremy with harmony and strength as they continue to lead in the way of Christ.